Pixi: Hi.
Not much for pleasantries eh? No matter, that's why I'm here! Pixi is Creative, a Geek, and Neat. She has the Best Selling Author aspiration. Well what are we waiting for? Let's get to it! As per the rules, we started on a 50x50 lot and bought the coat of arms, which left us with just enough money to buy the essentials.
Home sweet home! We jump right into our story with Pixi taking a job as a writer and heading to the library to start her first children's book. However, the library computer's are a hot commodity, and there were no open ones when she visited. Being the cheerful pink haired girl she is, she did not let that deter her, and started making friends.
Pixi: Hello!
However, Katrina (that's Katrina right?) wasn't in the mood for friendship.
And so she left. Okay, then, let's try the woman across from her!
Realizing now was the time to strike, Pixi hopped on the open computer and began her first children's book: Boogers and Other Curiosities.
She worked for a while, and then played a bit of chess. Alone. Sigh.
Growing tired of the library, we set out to scope out the eligible bachelor's of the Oasis Springs. After all, we have a legacy to build! Just outside the library, she met Myles Pierre.
They chatted for a bit. To which Pixi just smiled and nodded. She found out Myles was a romantic, which you know, couldn't hurt.

However then he spilled the beans. He was unemployed. Deadbeat romantic? Only time will tell. Her piqued curiosity turned into only mild interest. I don't blame you darling.

But then she really needed to pee so she sent him on his way.
Pixi: It was decided? You mean, you decided?
Well sure, yes. It was the only logical choice. You don't want to live off of yogurt do you?Now stick the rest of those dogs in your pocket and take them home with you when you're done.
While we were squabbling though, this beauty was found from a distance!
I know right!? Go tell him hi!!!
Pixi stuffed her hotdogs in her pockets as quickly as she could and scrambled off to meet the beautiful stranger, but before she could say hello he disappeared. I suppose he will remain a mystery for now...
A few days went by, Pixi settled into her new job as a writer and made frequent trips to the library, fighting with the rest of the patrons for a computer to write her books. The huge empty lot was feeling a bit lonely, so she caught a frog and kept him next to her bed. She named him, Sir Squiggles.
The first generation's legacy spouse search continued however. There hadn't been much luck at the library, and when she took a trip to the gym all she found was this creeper staring at her:
Looking real smug dude.
So it was decided, where else to meet an eligible bachelor and future father of children than a bar?
Pixi: There you go with 'it' was decided again...
Hush, you're ruining the story. So the bar it was, and danced she did. All night long.
Until she met this stud muffin.
He made her a drink and they quickly began making eyes at each other. Daww.
Look, he's even a little shy. Cute!
He had to leave shortly after, but she snagged his number. I can't seem to remember his name however... Oi. Let's just call him, stud muffin until further notice.
Pixi: This is the one, I can smell it! He's super swoonworthy!
I know... Forget that beauty in the suit a few days ago, amirite!?
Pixi: Don't remind me, I'm still kicking myself for letting him get away. But this one will do!
The next day, she called Mr. Stud Muffin and asked him out on a date right away.
Unfortunately, he was busy. Pixi was devastated.
Pixi: At least I have these mediocre hotdogs?
See, I told you you'd want to keep those!
Nevermind Mr. Stud Muffin, you should go out anyway. See what other fish are out there.
Pixi: Fine...
So she did... And who does she find at the bar as she walks in???
Why no other than Mr. Busy himself!
Against her better judgement, she chats him up anyway. In her gym clothes. Sigh. It's not a good omen for the future if he already is making up excuses not to hang out little pink haired friend...
The heart wants what the heart wants though... She found out he Hates Children. Strike two...
Pixi: But I love him!
You just met him. Hush.
Episode 1 ends here! What do we have in store next time? Will Pixi go against all logic and date Mr. Stud Muffin even though he hates kids and is a compulsive liar? Will she ever see Mr. Beauty again? Will there EVER be an open computer at the library? Next time on The Pixel Legacy!
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