So what's been going on at the Pixel abode? Well, I - Watcher of Sims - got caught up playing and my screenshots are a bit... sporadic at the best this chapter. With that disclaimer out of the way, look what happened!
Pixi and Myles are the proud owners of a shiny, brand spankin' new nooboo! And it's a boy! They named him Cade. That's a nice strong young lad's name, is it not?
Myles: Well, I wanted to name him Voltron, Destroyer of Worlds.
Pixi: Maybe next time hunny....
That's sadly the only photo I have of tiny nooboo Cade, as home life got to be very busy with two working parents and a small baby at home. Fortunately, Pixi and Myles' schedules were opposite, so tiny Cade got sent to the babysitter's only very rarely. Here Cade is right after he aged up. Don't worry, that outfit definitely got updated.
Oh, and who else did he find lurking the property but Mr. I-Hate-Children formally known as Mr. Stud Muffin! Cade rolled the Social Butterfly aspiration and the Geek trait. He tried his best to befriend ol' sour puss here, but it did not go over very well.
As requested, as Watcher of all Things, Cade got his wardrobe updated. Who knew that pink and brown made, red? Yes, Cade is as ginger as they come.
And look at that view!
Other great news: Pixi has been writing like a fiend and Myles has been writing jokes like they are going out of style, and they saved up enough money to build a small box around their belongings! Apparently, without walls, Cade nearly died of embarrassment from watching his mother in the shower while his father took a well needed bio break. So uh, yes, walls needed to happen. Can't be killing off possible heirs already!
It's nothing special yet, but it will do for now. Ah yes, and note the small garden Pixi started in the beginning of our adventure. It will one day be something spectacular!
Here's the inside/floorplan.
Myles: We's gots a table! And a stove!
Pixi: Yes we's fancy!
Puttin' that new table to good use with a good ol' family breakfast! Yass!
Cade soon went to bed, and Myles, being the romantic goofball that he is, quickly began to spice up the evening.
Myles: Hey baby... If you were a fruit, you know what you'd be?

Pixi: .....What would I be?
Myles: A fiiiiiiineapple.
I can't make this stuff up. One thing lead to another, again, and guess what!?
Disregard Pixi's miserable look on her face and the puddle in the bathroom. She's pregnant again!
Pixi: Hey this is crazy.... But woohoo makes babies!
And no pregnancy announcement would be complete without...
Wait for it -
Jazz hands!
Pixi made sure to announce it again at dinner. And yes. Eggs. It's what's for dinner.
Cade was thrilled. He will make such a good brother!
He also has almost completed his childhood aspiration at this point, (just needs two adult friends) and has an A in elementary school. Perfect time for a new sibling, is it not? It's almost as if someone had planned it or something.
Anyway... Life continued on; Cade continued to be the devilishly handsome young redhead that he is, and was being surprisingly charismatic for a red haired computer geek. Everyone loved him. Well, except Mr. I-Hate-Children (formally known as Mr. Stud Muffin). Here he is at the park working on his logic skill and chatting up some buddies.
Did I mention I was really bad at taking screenshots this episode? It's Myles' birthday today, so Pixi baked him a delicious cake and invited some friends over. Call it a party.

She's also as big as a whale. Her party outfit looks hilarious on her!
Pixi: Hey! Watch it!
Oh stop. It's endearing.
Again, there was a definite lack of screenshots at said party. I will get better at this I promise. Beauty in the suit came! Pixi finally met him at the gym one day. She behaved herself however, and only just gawked from afar after she introduced herself. She is a married woman now, after all.
Mr. Stud Muffin himself also showed up. He spent most of the time playing games on the computer. What a freeloader.
Pixi was chatting up Suit Beauty when Myles blew out his candles.
And you're an adult! How does it feel buddy?
Myles: Uhh... Good?
That's right it does!
While the festivities inside happened, this guy decided he hated parties and kicked over the trash. What the hell, man?!
Pixi: This is why we can't have nice things!
I know right...
It was only a matter of time before Mr. I-Hate-Children and Pixi got to chatting. Myles was performing a little comedy routine for Suit Beauty and the Caterer (that didn't make a morsel of food the entire party, mind you) and Pixi made a point to gush about Myles and how so fabulous her life was now... Perhaps a bit too smugly.
Apparently it hit a nerve...
Pixi: Whoa man, cool your jets!
Mr. I-Hate-Children: My jets are cooled lady! Maybe you - maybe you should just get a life! Yeah! And guess what!? You're fat!
Pixi gasps.
Myles: Hey man! Nobody calls my wife fat but me!
Pixi: That's ri- wait... What?

Mr. I-Hate-Children: Whoa bro, relax.
Myles: Bro? Who you callin' a bro!? Do you even lift!?
Oh here we go... Oh and, for the record, I'm fairly certain Myles has never lifted anything in his life.
Tensions were high, more insults were thrown around, and soon enough a fight broke out in their very kitchen.
Cade looks oddly amused.
Pixi: And that kiddos, is how you bring the pain!
After the dust settled, Myles came out the victor! Look at the victory grimace!
Meanwhile, the loser became a bit dazed and confused.
And Suit Beauty began to play in a new trash pile. Pixi had already picked up the first one. Who keeps doing this?!
What better way to end a birthday party than to go into labor!?
And that's another riveting edition of: The Pixel Legacy!
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